13 September 2008


Tuesday, the 4th of November, 2008 is, for the United States, a day of decision - the election of many governmental officials, including 435 members of the lower house, the House of Representatives, and ... well, it ought to be of 33 and 1/3 senators! I do remember from high school days that senators in the United States are elected for a six year term, but one third of them are elected each two years - I confess I don't know how they manage to elect one third of a senator, but perhaps they sort that out some way ☺. We in New Zealand will know the results of that election probably some time on our Wednesday the 5th - Guy Fawkes Day! - as the US West Coast closes its polls. And of course the 'biggie' is the President. And in this case the Vice President. On the face of it, this is odd. It is clear that the entrance of Sarah Palin into the race has highlighted something. That something is often called the 'culture war.' I wonder if this is not a misnomer. The word 'culture' implies a particular approach to life which might clash with another. There could be - indeed, at times has been - a culture war between Christianity and Islam. There is a culture war going on at present between Christianity and Hinduism, in Orissa. The war that is being waged at present - the war symbolised by the startling reaction to the nomination of Sarah Palin as Republican vice-presidential candidate - as a war against man as man. It is a war of aggression on the part of the anti-humanity forces, of defence on the part of those who call themselves 'pro-life.' It is, you could say, a war against culture - against a way of life and for a way of death. The aggression is not that of one 'side' against another 'side,' but rather analogous to the self-hatred of the suicide. Consider:
  • contraception
  • abortion
  • euthanasia
  • homosexuality

All of these are aimed at one thing: eliminating man. Of course those on the side of aggression do not think of themselves as trying eliminate people; that is, nevertheless, the 'finality' (in the philosophic sense) of them:

  • contraception - no new babies
  • abortion - kill existing babies
  • euthanasia - kill inconvenient persons
  • homosexuality - sexual pleasure without ... new babies!

There are deeper elements to this, as well, than merely the actual killing of human beings, and the avoidance of cooperating in the production of new human beings. Is it not the case that people are unhapy with the very idea that there is such a thing as 'human nature?'

The idea of 'gender' as a cultural construct presupposes this. The idea of Transhumanism explicitly claims it. Man is to remake man ... though into what image is not clear. Deep ecology, on the other hand, desires to see man merged into his environment - and espouses What Naess called 'biospheric egalitarianism.' Man - and his nature - are up for grabs.

The American election is a straw in the wind. I think that, in the short term, it will be better for the world if the McCain/Palin ticket wins the American election. I do not think it will make much difference in the long term. Men have turned against God, and in the process the have turned against man. I do not think there will be a return to the status quo ante. We cannot return to 1954. We can go forward only if we regain hope. But without God ... what hope is there?


slutigram said...

John, You hit the issue on the head. The "liberals" do not even understand, nor would they accept, that this is why many Americans will support McCAin/Palin. They only think that they know a better way and those who don't follow thier way are ignorant and must be lead or forced to accept their anti-human ways.


Anonymous said...

See if you can find the book or DVD called "Lord, Save Us From Your Followers" by Dan Merchant. He confronts Christians of all ilks to rethink the whole culture war scene. Jesus never called us to go to war. He asks us to love and respect one another. When Christians begin to stop warring against each other over issues that they think really are black and white and begin to be the hands and feet of Jesus in a broken world, then maybe the world will sit up and take notice. The way we act, and speak up, now is only making us all look ugly!
I respect your intelligence and opinion, but Greg and I see more love and respect in the Obama campaign than we do with the Republicans of the last 8 years. And we're pretty sure the forces behind George Bush are still very much alive and in control.


John Thayer Jensen said...

Thanks, Bev.

I might agree with you if it weren't for the big 'A' word. This seems to me to trump just about every other card in the deck.

But my post wasn't really so much about the election per se as it was about the deeper issues - those which, it seems to me, amount not to a culture war - any point of view that is so totally anti- what man is seems to me hard even to call a culture - more of an anti-culture - it seems to me that what is going on here is a war against humanity. And for me, it is not a matter of 'our' side vs 'their' side, but rather of life trying to defend itself against death.

That said, I have great sympathy with much of what Obama seems to be for. A friend of mine on the web said recently that if only the Democratic party could get over its deep-seated fear of life, religion, and normalcy, it would never lose another election.

I think that is so. But I am looking farther than the election. As I said, if I were to vote, it would be as a once-resident of Hawai'i - and in that case there is no question who would win in that state :-)
