02 May 2010


I have been trying to think of an excuse for not having posted anything last week-end, but I have failed.  It is true that on Sunday, the 25th (ANZAC Day), we went to Eddie and Eveline's.  But on the Saturday, though I did go up to see Father Peter Fitzsimons (the Opus Dei) priest, still I had the whole afternoon in which to write - but didn't.  As I had to ask Susan, just now, what I had been doing on Saturday the 24th - thus evidencing a certain vagueness in my memory - perhaps I just forgot about blogging.

OK, not perhaps; I did just forget.

But a progress report on this accident business.

Well, really, there shouldn't be any progress to report, except, it is to be hoped, on the condition of my lip (concerning which I have nothing to report so far).  And, indeed, if 'progress' is restricted to 'changes for the better,' then what I have to report is regressive.  But if 'progress' means simply 'things moving forward into the future' then I have.


When the nice policeman - Constable Kinsey - interviewed me at the hospital on 30th March, he said that he didn't think it likely that I would be charged with anything, but that he could not tell for sure.

I have been charged with 'operating a motor vehicle carelessly.'

This says that, if convicted, I could be fined up to $3,000, and may have my licence taken away for some period.

This, on the other hand, says that, for careless driving causing injury, I could also be imprisoned.  I was told by Constable Kinsey that the other guy was not injured - but I was, albeit only slightly.

I don't know what the upshot of this will be.  Three persons - two policemen, one insurance agent - express surprise that I was charged at all.  But the first article above says "If you have been involved in any kind of car accident and no one else is at fault, it is generally very difficult to avoid being charged with careless driving."  It also says "Because this is not an imprisonable offence, a defendant is permitted to plea guilty by letter to the court. If they choose to do this, even though they have received a summons they do not have to attend court."  Leaving aside the politically correct singular 'they' (which I am tempted to rave on about), it is clear at least that whether I have to appear depends on whether they take the first or second tack above.

I am at least probably going to have to consult a lawyer for advice, which will not be free, and probably not cheap.  I think it depends especially on whether I am likely to face losing my licence.  If I am, there is a greater motivation to fight it.  On the other hand, the lawyer may tell me I haven't a hope.

The logic of all this will presumably be along the lines of:
You knew you were ill, Mr Jensen, because you vomited twice before deciding to go home.  Driving when you were ill was clearly dangerous, and the proof of this is that you did, in fact, have an accident.
All unknown territory to me, and I will be glad of your prayers for the outcome.

We did, as I said above, go to Eddie and Eveline's last Sunday and had a wonderful time, being with them all.  And yesterday - 1 May, and my sister Robin's birthday! - we attended the ordination to the priesthood of Deacon Brian Lang, who has been a friend for ten years or so.  I wish you could all have attended.  I was deeply moved by the fragility of us all - earthen vessels - whom God has so condescended to astonishingly low as to call to belong to Him - and that He actually makes some to be His special channels of Grace to the whole world is beyond words.  As Brian - a man perhaps 60 years old, a late vocation - he had been a boat-builder all his adult life - lay prostrate before the altar as the Litany of the Saints was sung I felt ... well, I don't know exactly what I felt, but I am so moved to be a part of the Church, and to know this 'cloud of witnesses' is praying for me and for all of us.

God bless Father Brian!

1 comment:

Eugene said...

There is always the Citizens Advice Bureau http://www.cab.org.nz/ which is free. Otherwise I have some lawyer friends who may be able to give you some 'free' advice.